Thursday, 23 April 2009

Mark Reid's Laughter

Mark Reid has the best laugh. It's real and it rolls...... and in his rise as a successful painter and instructor in face and body art..... he's laughing even more these days.

He is one of those artist that it just flows from him - a god given gift. And he shares that gift by showing others how to paint. Mark spent years a single dad, he has three children and now grandchildren and he had spent his fair time clipping coupons so yes he's due.

Years ago I took Mark's first class, then a year later I took another private class with him - and darn it to this day if I don't hear him in my ear as I paint....
I prefer to hear him in my head yelling .."Loretta...." across a ballroom or club crowded with body painters and models..... as I ever sooo slowing respond. I guess the superstar thing hasn't awed me as it has others. Mark is Mark, full of laughter and beautiful images.

Monday, 20 April 2009

The Amazing Craig Tracy

I had a wonderful call today from artist Craig Tracy. If you love body art paintings like I do you can not but love the artworks created by Craig. His fine art can be purchases in his art gallery Painted Alive aka Craig Tracy Gallery in the French Quarter. If you're in that area it is a must stop place to shop.

When I first met Craig was able to spend a few days with him and I came away truly more centered as an artist, as I love to create body art paintings but too I love creating mixed medium artworks. In spending time with Craig who is an artist in his very fiber and soul I knew I had to find my real art, the art that inspired my soul and tingles my fibers.

He is not a humble man, he is outspoken and says it like it is. I like that. He is a strong man, a strong artist, a sensitive artist moved by the art of others and who lives to create and move this art form forward, for the love of art.